Eurach Research


Frequently asked questions about doing a PhD at Eurac Research

    In which research fields are PhD projects at Eurac Research possible?

    PhD students will be integrated in one of the Eurac Institutes or Centers and become involved in their scientific and organizational activities. Each PhD project must therefore contribute to the research topics in the Institute or Center in which the PhD student is based.

    Who awards the PhD diploma?

    Eurac Research is not a degree-granting organization but we are committed to supervising, training and hosting PhD students and creating the best possible environment for successful PhD projects. The PhD diplomas are awarded by the universities in which the PhD students enroll for their PhD degrees.

    What does Eurac Research expect from PhD students?

    We expect that PhD students work at Eurac in Bolzano and become integrated in one of the Eurac Institutes or Centers. The PhD students must also complete their PhD course as designed by the university in which they enroll. The expectations for PhD students are summarized in the Guidelines for PhD students at Eurac Research.

    Are PhD positions in Eurac Research opened up regularly?

    PhD positions in Eurac Research are not opened up regularly. Opening up a new PhD position always depends on available funds, ongoing projects, research interests of the Institutes or Centers or existing collaborations with universities. All open positions are published here and we encourage anyone interested in pursuing a PhD together with Eurac Research to check this website regularly.

    As a PhD student in Eurac Research, which contract do I receive?

    The type of contract depends on the university in which you enroll for your PhD degree and the research project(s) in which you participate at Eurac Research. There are two options: (1) Eurac Research will either fund your PhD scholarship at the university and you will have contractual obligations towards the university; or (2) you will be employed by Eurac Research for a period of up to 3 years. In the latter case, you should already be enrolled for a PhD degree at your university by the time you start your employment contract with Eurac Research.

    As a PhD student in Eurac Research, where will I be mainly working?

    PhD students spend most of their time at Eurac Research in Bolzano. They are, however, also encouraged to pursue a research stay at another university or research organization either in Italy or abroad. Any time periods that PhD students spend away from Eurac Research must also be in line with the rules of the PhD program and the university in which the PhD students enroll, and may include extended stays at the university itself. PhD students should agree with their tutor in Eurac Research and their supervisor at the university about any stays away from Eurac Research.

    Who is a PhD Tutor?

    PhD Tutor is a senior researcher employed at one of the Eurac Institutes of Centers, who shall mentor and supervise the PhD student during their time at Eurac Research, in addition to the university supervisor. PhD tutor is appointed by the Head of Institute of Center, based on the tutor’s expertise in the field of the PhD project.

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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