Eurach Research

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Was Twitter a good boy?

Was Twitter a good boy?

Paolo BrasolinPaolo Brasolin
Together in the cloud
open science

Together in the cloud

Earth observation expert Peter Zellner on open science

"Digitalization is a social learning process"
big data

"Digitalization is a social learning process"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with science journalist Sigrid Hechensteiner and IT expert Dietmar Laner.

'The most direct route is rarely feasible'
open science

'The most direct route is rarely feasible'

Conversations between disciplines: interview with ecologist Ulrike Tappeiner and emergency physician Hermann Brugger.

"The biggest challenge is the overabundance of information"
big data

"The biggest challenge is the overabundance of information"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with neurologist Peter Pramstaller and electronic engineer Roberto Monsorno.

Sprachdaten für alle zugänglich machen
open science

Sprachdaten für alle zugänglich machen

Die europäische Initiative CLARIN stellt Forschenden und anderen Interessierten, die mit sprachbasierten Daten arbeiten, eine vernetzte Umgebung zur Verfügung, die es erlaubt, ...

Among like-minded people
open science

Among like-minded people

Interview with Johannes Rainer, bioinformatics expert

When Excel is not enough
open science

When Excel is not enough

Tales from the community using Open-Source software to create their own working tools

Un tesoro in un mare di dati
earth observation

Un tesoro in un mare di dati

La ricerca dispone di una quantità immensa di dati e, grazie all’intelligenza artificiale, si può avvalere anche della tecnologia per ottenere da essi quante più informazioni sia ...


Dati satellitari per sviluppare polizze sperimentali

Al via un progetto per tutelare gli agricoltori dai danni causati dalla siccità

Never a better time for open science

Never a better time for open science

Raising the I.Q of Cities
smart cities

Raising the I.Q of Cities

Peter Droege the internationally renowned urban sustainability expert shares his insights on the evolution of smart cities in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Wie funktioniert die Immuni-App?

Wie funktioniert die Immuni-App?

Marc RögglaMarc Röggla
big data

Usare i bigdata per migliorare gli edifici

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Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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What we do

Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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