conservation technologies
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6.600 anni portati bene
Una marmotta mummificata del Neolitico è approdata nei nostri laboratori

'Maybe Ötzi was a mean guy?'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with mummy researcher Albert Zink and telecommunications engineer Christian Steurer.

Unwrapping the stories of two Egyptian mummies
The photographic history of their recovery, study and conservation treatment
Ötzi terrà impegnato ancora a lungo il mondo della ricerca
30 anni dal ritrovamento: bilanci e prospettive
Ötzi & Co.

A 400-year-old chamois will serve as a model for research on ice mummies

Ancient Egypt, high fashion and a bunch of beauty
Interview with Christian Greco, director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin

The mummy rescue mission

Le mummie del Museo Egizio stanno bene
Eurac Research ha accertato lo stato di conservazione di tutte le mummie custodite a Torino