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The echo of death
How dead wood nourishes forest biodiversity

Agents of connection
The new Biodiversity Monitoring South Tyrol initiative is investigating mushrooms to understand how these incredible organisms stitch ecosystems together

Forests that protect
A study assessed the impact from climate change on eleven South Tyrolean forests that have one trait in common…

Studying the woods through photography
Photographing the forest canopy can help protect it

Cooperation key to overcoming threats in the Carpathians
The Carpathians are a center of biodiversity in Europe. And although they contain a vast amount of natural and cultural heritage, human impacts are threatening the region. ...

Come funziona un monitoraggio della biodiversità?
Foto dal campo raccontano il paziente lavoro di ricercatrici e ricercatori

How wood stores Co2

The future of forests
Simulations based on mathematical models can help us understand how global environmental changes will affect woodlands