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Conservazione delle mummie, il brevetto di Eurac Research

Bodies of evidence
Investigating the cause of death of 20 Celtic individuals – 2000 years on.

Atherosclerosis through a new lens
How ancient human remains reveal the ratio of atherosclerosis is a perpetual constant

Individuals from the early Middle Ages found in the cemetery of Santo Stefano
Analyses by Eurac Research have revealed high genetic diversity and kinship links from remains

Vicini, anche oltre la morte
Le analisi sulle sepolture uomo-animale nella necropoli del Seminario Vescovile di Verona pongono le società pre-romane sotto la lente della ricerca

The father, son and infant found in a prehistoric tomb
New details from a bioarchaeological study of a grave in Ora

Malaria in the Medici era
The pathogen of the deadliest form of the disease has been identified in mummified soft tissue belonging to members of the Florentine dynasty.

What Ancient DNA Reveals About Modern Diseases
Paleopathologist Albert Zink explains how to untangle the chaos of ancient genetic traces and why blood vessel calcification is not just due to a bad lifestyle.

Mystery of the Basel mummy solved
A research team can clarify which disease “the lady from the Barfüsserkirche” suffered from.

The secrets of a lady from Basel
A well-preserved church mummy from the 18th century has proven to be a fascinating object of research in many respects

Old bones - new knowledge
An interview with the authors of the first German textbook on "Osteological Paleopathology".

6.600 anni portati bene
Una marmotta mummificata del Neolitico è approdata nei nostri laboratori

'Maybe Ötzi was a mean guy?'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with mummy researcher Albert Zink and telecommunications engineer Christian Steurer.

New technology for Bolivia's ancient mummies
Examining Bolivia's diverse bioarcheological record

Unwrapping the stories of two Egyptian mummies
The photographic history of their recovery, study and conservation treatment

Groundbreaking study of pre-Columbian mummies in Bolivia underway
Unique collaboration between Eurac Research and Bolivian Ministry of Culture to ensure the ongoing research agreement

Ancient Imprints
From Egypt to Italy via Germany, Mohamed Sarhan’s investigation of plant and soil microbes could change the practice of bioarcheology as we know it.

Dalla placca dentale nuove informazioni sull’evoluzione del microbiota orale
Ricerca sulle mummie

Newly published study on ancient skeletal remains reveals previously unknown species of microorganisms.

"We are creating the family tree of human history."
An interview with the archaeogeneticist Johannes Krause