Eurach Research

renewable energy

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Parola d’ordine: risparmio
Edifici pubblici

Parola d’ordine: risparmio

Un software ottimizza la riqualificazione energetica di ampi patrimoni immobiliari

JUSTNature: The European project for greener cities
video reportage
renewable energy

JUSTNature: The European project for greener cities

Where research and industry meet
renewable energy

Where research and industry meet

Eurac Research inaugurates a new laboratory for photovoltaic module prototyping

Data and scenarios for zero-emission buses

Data and scenarios for zero-emission buses

Investigating the possibility of eliminating fossil fuels from public transportation


'Europe needs an innovation shift, now!'

EARTO - the European Association of Research and Technology Organizations held their annual convention in Italy for the first time.

Un detective per VOC e formaldeide

Un detective per VOC e formaldeide

Il nuovo VOC Lab rintraccia le sostanze nocive emesse da materiali edili e mobili, le quantifica e testa materiali innovativi in grado di ridurle.

Under the same sun
solar energy

Under the same sun

Growing food and generating energy on agricultural land at the same time is both possible and profitable. Photovoltaic expert David Moser explains why it’s also the future.

"Knowing the facts does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior"

"Knowing the facts does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with Eurac Resarch President Roland Psenner and renewable energy expert Wolfram Sparber.

Ricaricare le bici elettriche in quota ora è più semplice
solar energy

Ricaricare le bici elettriche in quota ora è più semplice

In cinque malghe altoatesine installati dei “green loader” a energia solare

Scenari per l’Alto Adige verso la neutralità climatica
climate change & transformation

Scenari per l’Alto Adige verso la neutralità climatica

Eurac Research ha elaborato uno studio tecnico completo per conto della Provincia

"I nostri dati non mostrano alcun impatto della centrale sull'ecologia dell’acqua"

"I nostri dati non mostrano alcun impatto della centrale sull'ecologia dell’acqua"

Il biologo Alberto Scotti ha studiato i piccoli organismi del Rio Saldura prima e dopo la costruzione di una centrale idroelettrica – e non sono stati notati cambiamenti.

A laboratory for testing comfort, with people inside

A laboratory for testing comfort, with people inside

Initial experiments at the Façade System Interactions Lab

Vincoli costosi
climate change & transformation

Vincoli costosi

Con la guerra in Ucraina, l’Italia paga il prezzo elevato di una burocrazia che ostacola l’espansione delle energie rinnovabili. L'esperto Wolfram Sparber spiega cosa deve cambiare ...

Aria di casa
video reportage

Aria di casa

Gli inquinanti dell’aria più comuni e i sistemi per ridurre il rischio di esposizione in un video

spatial planning

Green solutions in cities

A new European project explores equitable design opportunities

Packages to simplify deep renovation of buildings

Packages to simplify deep renovation of buildings

A European project led by Eurac Research has developed standard solutions suitable for every climate zone

Mobilità elettrica
green mobility

Mobilità elettrica

Soldi, voci che circolano e studi


Tiny FOP MOB – Un Real World Laboratory in legno e canapa


renewable energy

Solar energy and high-tech cable cars

Together with specialist company Leitner, our researchers are investigating how best to integrate photovoltaics into ski lifts

“Mai demolire”

“Mai demolire”

È il mantra dei vincitori del premio Pritzker per l’architettura ed è una scelta obbligata se si tratta di edifici storici


Smart Cities

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Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

No Woman No Panel

What we do

Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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