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Istituto per la medicina d'emergenza in montagna - News & Events - Come, quando e chi testare nel laboratorio d'alta quota?


Come, quando e chi testare nel laboratorio d'alta quota?

    • Date: 12-15.12.2024
    • Place: Roma
    Silvia Loreggian undergoes cardiorespiratory testing on a cycloergometer. During this test, heart activity is monitored through heart rate and blood pressure and with an electrocardiogram. At the same time, a face mask is connected to a turbine that quantifies the volume of inhaled and exhaled air and to a sensor that measures the percentage of carbon dioxide and oxygen in that air. By comparing the percentage of oxygen inhaled with that exhaled, the amount of oxygen that reaches the muscles and is consumed is traced back. Finally, oxygenation of the muscles is measured through an infrared sensor placed on the muscles of the lower limb.Credit: Eurac Research | Andrea De Giovanni

    Giacomo Strapazzon presenta all'85 congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Cardiologia nella sessione "Il cuore ad alta quota"

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