Eurach Research


EU H2020 REWARDHeat - Erneuerbare und Abwärmenutzung in Fernwärme- und Fernkältenetzen

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: finished
    • Funding:
      Societal Challenge (Horizon 2020 /EU funding /Project)
    • Total project budget: 18.718.100,37 €
    • Website: //
    • Institute: Institut für Erneuerbare Energie

    The overall objective of REWARDHeat is to demonstrate a new generation of low-temperature district heating and cooling networks, which will be able to increase production and distribution efficiency by recovering renewable and waste heat, available at low temperature.
    By focusing on the exploitation of energy sources in urban environments, the replicability and upscaling potential of the decentralized solutions will be maximised. These solutions aim to promote a cost efficient and technically viable decarbonisation of the European DHC sector.

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    Jodeiri AM, Soppelsa A, Turrin F, Pipiciello M, Cozzini M, Fedrizzi R (2024)
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    Applied Thermal Engineering

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    Adaptive thermal load prediction in residential buildings using artificial neural networks
    Fouladfar MH, Soppelsa A, Nagpal H, Fedrizzi R, Franchini G (2023)
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    REWARDHeat: Low-Temperature RE and Waste Heat Recovery in District Heating and Cooling Networks
    Fedrizzi R (2022)

    Conference: Cool DH Policy Webinar | online | 29.4.2022 - 29.4.2022

    Analysis of low-temperature waste heat recovery scenarios for a case study in a conventional district heating network

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    Beitrag in Konferenzband

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    Role of sustainable heat sources in transition towards fourth generation district heating: a review
    Jodeiri AM, Goldsworthy MJ, Buffa S, Cozzini M (2022)
    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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    Buffa S, Fouladfar MH, Franchini G, Gabarre IL, Chicote MA (2021)
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