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Institut für Minderheitenrecht - News & Events - The Taliban’s conquest of Afghanistan and its impact on minority rights


The Taliban’s conquest of Afghanistan and its impact on minority rights

    • Date: 15.09.2021, 2 - 3 pm CEST
    • Typology: webinar

    The webinar aims to examine the situation of religious and ethnic minorities in Afghanistan since the Taliban have taken control of the State. Following a brief overview of the historical situation of human rights and minority rights in Afghanistan, the speakers will assess the background and origins of the Taliban, its ideological relationship with radicalisation and Jihadi ideologies as well as a brief consideration of the treatment of minorities during the previous rule of the Taliban (1996-2001). In examining the contemporary situation, the webinar will critically evaluate the position adopted by the current Taliban administrati-on and will also include an assessment of the implications of an Islamic Emirate and implementation of the Sharia (Islamic religious law) on religious and ethnic minorities as well as upon women, children and other groups.

    In memory of Kamran Arif (1966-2021), lawyer, human rights activist and friend of Eurac Research.


    Dr Javaid Rehman Professor of International Human Rights Law at Brunel University (United Kingdom). He is one of the leading authorities on the subject of freedom of religion or belief and minority rights.

    Dr Zahid Shahab Ahmed Research Fellow at Alfred Deakin Institute, Deakin University (Australia). He is a leading expert on peace and security in Southern Asia.


    Dr Katharina Crepaz Senior Researcher, Institute for Minority Rights, Eurac Research.

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