Institute for Minority Rights - News & Events - Interparliamentary Conference on Cultural Heritage and the Identity of National Communities
Interparliamentary Conference on Cultural Heritage and the Identity of National Communities
Senior Researcher Alexandra Budabin is attending the Interparliamentary Conference on Cultural Heritage and the Identity of National Communities at the Hungarian National Assembly, Parliamentary dimension of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The conference unfolds today, addressing the preservation of linguistic and cultural heritage in Europe. Organized by the Hungarian National Assembly as part of its EU Council Presidency, the event brings together delegations from EU national parliamentary committees and representatives from European regions. Discussions center on protecting the identity of national communities and majorities while exchanging good practices from Member States in accordance with European values and constitutional principles.
The conference coincides with the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, reflecting its role in minority protection and cultural preservation. It builds on the Palma de Mallorca Conference of Speakers' conclusions, emphasizing cultural and linguistic diversity as fundamental to democracy and human rights. Participants share practical examples and engage in dialogue, raising awareness of the importance of cultural plurality and its integration into various spheres of life, including the parliamentary domain.