Institute for Minority Rights - Publications
The Institute’s research findings are published in a wide range of formats: from scientific articles, monographs and edited books to reports, blogs and articles in newspapers and magazines. The institute also publishes its own working paper series and yearbook.
All our publications can be found in the Bolzano Institutional Archive (BIA)
See all our "open access" pubblications or explore the list sorted by category:
Diversity Governance Papers (DiGoP)
"Diversity Governance Papers (DiGoP) - Constitutional, Territorial and Societal Pluralism" is an online working paper series with a focus on diversity governance, constitutionalism and societal pluralism. It is linked to the Research Group on “Constitutionalism and Societal Pluralism: Diversity Governance Compared ” within the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL).
European Yearbook of Minority Issues (EYMI)
The European Yearbook of Minority Issues provides a critical and timely review of contemporary developments in minority-majority relations in Europe and beyond. It combines analysis, commentary and documentation in relation to conflict management, international legal developments and domestic legislation affecting minorities in Europe.
Online Compendium “Autonomy Arrangements in the World”
The online Compendium “Autonomy Arrangements in the World”(AAW) aims to create an interdisciplinary and comprehensive online collection of case studies of territorial and non-territorial autonomy arrangements, to facilitate their comparative analysis, to inform the design and implementation of self-governance and to provide a better understanding of theoretical and practical developments in the field.