Eurach Research


Preservation of frozen mummies. Validation of a protocol concerning the process of reconditioning the conservation parameters of a chamois mummy.

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: ongoing
    • Funding:
      Provincial P.-L.P. 14. Research projects (Province BZ funding /Project)
    • Institute: Institut für Mumienforschung

    Mummies of natural origin found in cold or glacial environments share many characteristics. The mummification process for this kind of mummies (both animal and human) happens as a result of environmental conditions characterized by low temperatures combined with low levels of relative humidity. These environmental conditions enhance the rapid dehydration of organisms (frozen-drying effect), inhibiting microbial proliferation and limiting natural taphonomic processes.

    Current conservation methods used for mummies from cold environments are mainly based on either basic refrigeration systems or more complex conservation facilities, as in the case of the Tyrolean Iceman (Samadelli and Museo archeologico dell'Alto 2006). Both systems contain some disadvantages and pose major challenges in terms of:  

    1. The construction of the complex and often highly sophisticated devices which usually involves significant costs and high requirements for a continuous maintenance and possible repairs.
    2. The need for constant cooling which automatically leads to a very high energy consumption with corresponding costs.
    3. The so-called 'active' conservation systems are not able to keep the preservation parameters at a stable level.
    4. The conservation in refrigerated cells makes the mummies difficult to access, both for scientific investigations but also for museum visitors.

    In this project we aim to solve the described challenges in the preservation of frozen mummies and to introduce a new system for optimizing the conservation of such mummies. The new preservation system will be tested on a chamois mummy to fully evaluate the effects of this preservation method on the structural integrity of ice mummies, as well as to understand the effects on different tissues, such as bones, muscles, skin and organs and possible effects on the preservation and quantity of biomolecules. A broad experimental approach is planned that will serve as an important basis for a detailed understanding on how the method could be applied to other mummies in future studies and how it can help reducing the risks and high costs associated with the preservation of ice mummies.

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