
Bojan Brezigar

Bojan Brezigar


Bojan Brezigar is a Slovenian journalist and political scientist from Trieste, Italy. He is the former editor-in-chief of Primorski dnevnik, the daily newspaper of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was established in 1945. For nearly 50 years, Brezigar has been deeply involved in matters concerning minority groups. He is a founding member of the Slovene Research Institute in Trieste and served as president of the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages from 1994 to 2003. Since his retirement in 2008, Brezigar has continued his work by publishing a weekly page every Sunday in Primorski dnevnik, focusing on minority issues.

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Children Should Grow up Without Fear of BombsScience Blog
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Children Should Grow up Without Fear of Bombs

Bojan BrezigarBojan Brezigar
The Minority Safepack Is Not a Dull Piece of Butter With a Short Expiration DateScience Blog
Science Blog

The Minority Safepack Is Not a Dull Piece of Butter With a Short Expiration Date

Bojan BrezigarBojan Brezigar