
Mattia Bottino

Mattia Bottino


Mattia Bottino is PhD Candidate at the University of Bologna and Researcher at the Institute for Comparative Federalism of Eurac Research. His research builds upon the interplay between participatory-deliberative democracy and federalism. Other research field of his interest are national minority rights and nationalism studies.

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What is Left of Bolsonarism: The Many Faces of the Brazilian Far-Right Science Blog
Science Blog

What is Left of Bolsonarism: The Many Faces of the Brazilian Far-Right

Mattia BottinoMattia Bottino
New prospects for the autonomy of Corsica: between legalist nationalism and armed nationalism Science Blog
Science Blog

New prospects for the autonomy of Corsica: between legalist nationalism and armed ...

Mattia BottinoMattia Bottino
[IT] L’autonomismo friulano a sessant’anni dall’approvazione dello Statuto speciale della Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia GiuliaScience Blog
Science Blog

[IT] L’autonomismo friulano a sessant’anni dall’approvazione dello Statuto speciale ...

Mattia BottinoMattia Bottino
Unpuzzling Paraguay: politics, drug trafficking, indigenist and land strugglesScience Blog
Science Blog

Unpuzzling Paraguay: politics, drug trafficking, indigenist and land struggles

Mattia BottinoMattia Bottino
Povos indígenas in Brazil: An Assessment on the Bicentenary of Brazilian IndependenceScience Blog
Science Blog

Povos indígenas in Brazil: An Assessment on the Bicentenary of Brazilian Independence

Mattia BottinoMattia Bottino
Provence and Piedmont: About Multiple, Shifting and Forged IdentitiesScience Blog
Science Blog

Provence and Piedmont: About Multiple, Shifting and Forged Identities

Mattia BottinoMattia Bottino
The Corsican paradox: a strange superimposition of opposing ideologies Science Blog
Science Blog

The Corsican paradox: a strange superimposition of opposing ideologies

Mattia BottinoMattia Bottino