The “Green deal for a sustainable future”: 2021’s European Development Days

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the interlinkages between human health, environmental degradation and climate change impacts. The impacts of climate change are already affecting the lives, health, and livelihoods of all, in particular the most vulnerable segments of the population. Thus, the post COVID recovery should be an opportunity to build greener and more inclusive societies and economies.
In this respect, the EU, aiming to become the world’s first climate-neutral economy by 2050, is implementing the “European Green Deal” as their new growth package of measures ranging from mitigation to adaptation actions and mainstreaming sustainability in all EU key policies, e.g. industry, energy, production and consumption, infrastructure and transport, food and agriculture, etc.
The Green Deal goes beyond EU borders and commits the EU to engaging with neighbouring countries and international partners to support the global transition to a green economy which is just and inclusive.
Having these targets in mind, the June 2021 edition of the “European Development Days” (EDD), which is the Europe’s leading forum for international cooperation and development and is considered the “Davos of development”, will provide a strategic opportunity to reiterate the position of the European Union on climate change in order to better coordinate international efforts towards sustainability and to give voice to the leaders of nations whose most vulnerable are bearing the costs of inaction.
The two day-event (15-16 June) will highlight the interdependence of humans and nature in the context of international development and focus on the following main topics/challenges: green and circular economy, sustainable energy and urbanisation, sustainable blue economy, green finance, green-economy related training and education.
European Development Days, 15-16 June 2021 For more information on the program and initiatives see:

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