Climate Crisis

Why Empowering Communities is Key to Effective Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

Sexismus in der Klimadebatte hat System

Ricomincio da me: come contribuire alla trasformazione ecologica

Leugnen, lügen, ignorieren: Die rhetorischen Taktiken rechtsradikaler Parteien in der Klimadebatte

The A Sud v. Italy Case after the KlimaSeniorinnen Judgment Implications of the ECtHR’s Decision for Climate Litigation in Italy

Environmental Conflicts – policies without means? Studying a local environmental conflict near Nantes, France

Das Patriarchat am Steuer der Klimakrise

Seeking bolder and stronger climate action: A historic UN resolution requests the ICJ to issue an opinion on climate obligations

IPCC warns world against “irreversible” impacts of global warming. How is the EU responding to the climate crisis?