Eurach Research

The creative side of South Tyrol

The creative side of South Tyrol
Creative ways of working togetherCredit: Matheus Bertelli | Pexels | All rights reserved

The Creative Industries are regarded as one of the key emerging industries in Europe. Networks of creatives urge to pay more attention to underrepresented, remote and rural communities and are mobilizing to foster social participation, innovation, inclusion, accessibility, and cooperation. These values and practices coincide with those we advocate for a sustainable, beautiful and inclusive transformation of our region. Creative hubs have a pivotal role in this process as they are naturally embedded in the local community, future-oriented and embrace a participatory approach.

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Creative Hubs in South Tyrol: BASIS Vinschgau Venosta, the social activation hub in the rural area

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Creative Hubs in South Tyrol: Weigh Station, a creative platform between reality and virtuality

Eleonora Psenner

Eleonora Psenner


Psenner, E. The creative side of South Tyrol .
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Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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