Eurach Research


Strengthening Research, Technological Development and Innovation

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: finished
    • Funding:

      ITAT1042 | INTERREG IT - AT | Axis 1 - Research and innovation

    • Total project budget: €537,000.00
    • Institute: Center for Advanced Studies

    Project description

    The aim of the project "FuturCRAFT - Strengthening Research, Technological Development and Innovation" is to define possible future scenarios of occupational profiles in the skilled crafts sector and to present them in a tangible way. Thanks to these scenarios, a basic understanding of the future development of skilled crafts professions is to be created and concretely shown how employees can qualify for the digital world of work. The project is intended to create the basis for craft enterprises in the project regions to become actively involved in shaping Craft 4.0 in their companies and to qualify their employees for the digital world of work.

    The FuturCRAFT project is funded within the framework of the EU project Interreg V-A Italia-Austria 2014-2020.

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    Credit: FuturCRAFT | All rights reserved

    2019 FuturCRAFT Kick-Off-MeetingCredit: lvh.apa | All rights reserved


    INTERREG IT-AT – Axis 1 Research and Innovation


    • lvh Bildung und Service Gen. (Lead Partner) (IT)
    • Eurac Research, (Center for Advanced Studies) (IT)
    • Confartigianato Vicenza (IT)
    • t2i - Technologie Transfer und Innovation,Veneto (IT)
    • ITG Salzburg (Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg) (A)

    Scientific Output

    Film production: The Craft of the Future

    It is not about adapting to the present, but about shaping the future. For craft enterprises, digitalisation opens up an incredible variety of opportunities that need to be exploited. The Interreg project FuturCRAFT aimed to create a basic understanding of the future development of craft professions and to show how employees can qualify for the digital world of work. In the film "The Craft of the Future", seven innovative companies and their approach to digitalisation are presented. The film was produced in German and Italian.

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    Project Team
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    Ingrid Kofler

    Ingrid Kofler

    Project Manager
    Daria Habicher

    Daria Habicher

    Maximilian Walder

    Maximilian Walder


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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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