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Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - Full speed ahead for the skilled crafts

18 December 19

Full speed ahead for the skilled crafts

Kick-off for the EU project FuturCRAFT

    2019 FuturCRAFT Kick-Off-MeetingCredit: lvh.apa | All rights reserved

    Five institutions from Vicenza, Treviso, Salzburg and Bolzano - including the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research - met at the NOI Techpark at the end of November. Possible future scenarios for digital competence profiles in the skilled crafts sector will now be defined by March 2022 and the opportunities of digitalisation for skilled crafts businesses will be presented in a tangible way.

    With the help of research and analyses, the current training offer will be examined: a Delphi survey and expert discussions will show influences of digitalisation on the skilled crafts sector, visits to skilled crafts enterprises and workshops in and with enterprises will provide insights into the reality of the skilled crafts sector. Based on the results, an attempt will be made to develop a digitalisation strategy to support the companies in their innovation activities. The project aims to create a basic understanding of the future development of skilled crafts occupations, but also to show concretely how skilled craftsmen and women can qualify for the digital working world of the future.

    "In this way, we would like to achieve that skilled crafts enterprises actively participate in the shaping of Crafts 4.0 in their companies in the future," underlines lvh President Martin Haller. The lvh - Wirtschaftsverband Handwerk und Dienstleister, the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research, Confartigianato Vicenza, t2i - Trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione from Treviso and ITG- Innovationsservice für Salzburg are involved in the project. The FuturCRAFT project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and Interreg V-A Italy-Austria 2014-2020.

    Click HERE for the project description.

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