Eurach Research

Nordic Urban Futures

Public lecture with Romina Rodela, Senior Researcher and Associate Professor in Environmental Governance and Management at Södertörn University, Sweden and UNESCO Chair Fellow

    • Date: 25.09.2024, 14:00
    • Place: Online on Microsoft Teams
    • Typology: Public Lecture
    Credit: Courtesy of Romina Rodela | All rights reserved

    Urban areas are facing growing challenges such as climate change, population growth, and the need for sustainable development. In response, "urban futuring" initiatives are emerging, which use speculative thinking and creativity to imagine more sustainable urban futures. These initiatives aim to inspire collective action by envisioning better alternative futures and are particularly prominent in Sweden, where they involve collaboration with local actors. This lecture will present the findings from a project that mapped 62 urban futuring activities across Sweden, highlighting their diversity, focus on vulnerable areas, and the increasing role of civil society in shaping equitable and resilient urban futures.

    The lecture will be held in English and is open to everyone interested.
    Join us on Microsoft Teams!

    Romina Rodela

    Romina Rodela, Ph.D., is a Senior Researcher and Associate Professor in Environmental Governance and Management at Södertörn University, where she conducts research across several disciplinary lines of inquiry. She obtained her Ph.D. from SPRU at Sussex University (UK), and from 2010 to 2012, she was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the UNESCO Chair for Social Learning at Wageningen University (NL). Romina conducts research on sustainable cities and communities and is pursuing a research agenda focused on methods, tools, and approaches best suited for the engagement of less represented groups in decision-making as part of the Planning with Youth project, for which she is the principal investigator.

    She has a research interest in questions of equity and justice in the context of contemporary challenges, including novel governance models. At Södertörn University, she served as the Scientific Coordinator for the Research Theme Sustainability Challenges and Pathways (2021-2023) and is currently the coordinator of the Urban-Learning Hub at the Eco-Justice Research Platform. Romina Rodela is the UNESCO Chair Fellow 2024 at the UNESCO Chair in Interdisciplinary Anticipation and Global-Local Transformation, located at the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research.

    All works are free to download HERE.

    About the UNESCO Chair Fellowship

    Every year, the UNESCO Chair in Interdisciplinary Anticipation and Global-Local Transformation at the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research awards a UNESCO Fellowship. The focus of the Fellowship is dedicated to future social, political and economic challenges, and how to tackle these challenges using UNESCO Futures Literacy and other UNESCO approaches and tools.


    Eurac Research
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