Center for Migration and Diversity - News & Events - EuroMedMig Marie-Curie Doctoral Network
EuroMedMig Marie-Curie Doctoral Network
12 fully-funded Marie-Curie PhD positions
The EuroMedMig Marie-Curie Doctoral Network, in which the Center for Migration and Diversity is a partner, has just opened a call for 12 fully-funded Marie-Curie PhD students.
EuroMedMig PhD Network is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (Doctoral Networks), under the Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2023-DN-01-01. The PhD candidates will be incorporated in the respective PhD programmes in September 2025 for a duration of three years. It is an initiative of EuroMedMig (Euro-Mediterranean Research Network on Migrations) – UPF, an independent interdisciplinary platform of researchers promoting multilateral knowledge production and exchange both between Universities and with Policy and Social actors.
EuroMedMig PhD Network seeks to promote a sound community of leading Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the field of migration and refugees in the Mediterranean region, offering a meeting point for a variety of methodologies, disciplines and levels of analysis, connecting the new generation of outstanding researchers from the South, North, East and West of the Mediterranean.
The core philosophy is to promote multilateral knowledge production and exchange, with 10 partner universities and 6 associate partners from all rims of the Mediterranean, which ensures a plurality of perspectives by incorporating the Mediterranean as a regional scale of migration research with shared epistemological principles, avoiding research generalisations and knowledge-centrism, and with intercultural and humanitarian values.
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