Eurach Research


The Center for Sensing Solutions develops tailor-made solutions for research and industry, from using sensors for data collection to the analysis and utilization of the collected data in the form of web applications or services.

    The Center for Sensing Solutions can manage the entire data life cycle thanks to the team, made up of highly qualified technicians and researchers. Data scientists and software developers offer their expertise in data organisation, discoverability, sharing and processing. Sensing technology experts provide the optimal solutions for the collection of measurements according to research and company requirements, providing sensors, communication systems and performant databases.

    Our data driven approach follows the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and mostly relay on open source technologies.

    We are ready to explore new paths to push technology progress and facilitate the collaboration between research and industry. Have a look to our Web Application PORTFOLIO and data infrastructure EDP-Portal

    Video: Eurac Research | Fabio Dalvit


    Starting from a specific problem, we help companies understanding which data can contribute to solve it, by designing and developing high-tech but easy-to-use solutions. R&D services for SMEs are supported by the LAB Bonus Vaucher system in place at NOI Techpark.

    Sensing Technology Services

    • Conditioning and characterization of sensors
    • Electronic measurement prototypes for environmental applications
    • Data collection and integration with different platforms at different scales
    • Development, testing, verification and validation of prototypes
    • IoT network and applications
    • Field campaigns
    • Introduction to IoT networks and knowledge sharing (with Free Software lab)
    • Instruments landing (provisioned through lab bonus?)
    • Lump sum entrance fee for SST LAB spaces/facilities usage

    Data Services

    • Data acquisition
    • Data organisation: spatial and temporal databases
    • Data process and analysis: cloud computing, algorithms implementation and web tools
    • Data sharing and visualization: Web-GIS applications, API and OGC standard web services
    • Data Portal development: decision support systems and data management systems
    • Data discovery: Metadata generation, Management and Catalogue Web Service.

    The spatial data infrastructures (SDI) of Eurac supports storing and querying of spatial data of potentially any raster and vector type. It has been designed and implemented with a scalable architecture, in terms of memory and runtime for time-series operations and for image-processing operations, and is based on open standards (OGC). The SDI support also the temporal dimension in order to satisfy spatial time series analysis. The services we offer on the SDI concern the full data life cycle.

    Data acquisition: We support scientific and industrial projects in optimizing the acquisition system, in terms of sensors and platforms. Furthermore, we can benefit from a scalable proprietary application which can help in handling heterogeneous data.

    Data organization: The experience gained through many research projects prepared us to organize different type of data into a cluster of databases. The generic conceptual model which inspired us is the one proposed by the Open Geospatial Consortium defined as “Observation & Measurements”, and allows to handle earth observation data, in-situ time-series, UAV based data and measurements acquired by scientist during field campaigns. The result is an extended Environmental Data Base. For an exemple see here.

    Data process and analysis

    Data sharing and visualization: Product web visualization, WebGIS a​pplications and framework, DSS

    With this service we offer our experience in development web services and web application for product/map visualization like WebGIS and decision support system applications.

    Data discovery: We offer a Catalogue web Service compliant to OGC standards to upload high quality meta-data. This Catalougue permit to access the information about dataset through a web interface.

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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    What we do

    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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