Ecology and trophic structure of the Alpine soil macrofauna
- Project duration: -
- Project status: ongoing
- Funding: Internal funding EURAC (Project)
- Website:
- Institute: Institute for Alpine Environment
Alpine soil ecosystems and their invertebrate inhabitants are the main focus of the AlpSoil project. Semi-natural grasslands, widespread in the Alps, suffer from many environmental and socio-economic changes such as climate change and abandonment of traditional land-use. Soil invertebrates of Alpine ecosystems play a crucial role in litter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and pedogenesis, and thus may contribute to the resistance against natural hazards, but little is still known about their species composition and trophic structure. We employ a broad sampling approach along elevation and land-use gradients to analyze the community composition and structure of soil invertebrates as well as links with their abiotic and biotic environment. We use traditional methods such as pitfall traps and heat-extraction of soil animals as well as modern methods such as stable isotopes and molecular techniques.
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