Institute for Comparative Federalism - News & Events - Federal Scholar in Residence Program: Winner 2023
Federal Scholar in Residence Program: Winner 2023
Ass. Prof. Nikos Skoutaris (Associate Professor in EU Law at the University of East Anglia, UK)
The International Jury of the 11th edition of the Federal Scholar in Residence Program awarded the prize to Nikos Skoutaris, Associate Professor in EU Law at the University of East Anglia, UK.
His manuscript 'Accommodating secession within the EU constitutional order of states' was ranked first among all applications received.
Skoutaris research focuses on the intersection between EU law, comparative constitutional law and conflict resolution theory. Its main focus has been on analyzing how the EU constitutional order recognizes and accommodates different aspects of the right to self-determination. His first monograph explained how the EU legal order has managed to accommodate a secessionist conflict within its borders (Skoutaris, 2011) while his second examines how the Union accommodates regions that enjoy legislative and political autonomy (Skoutaris, 2023). Recently, his research assessed the implications of Brexit on the right to self-determination in Scotland and Northern Ireland (Skoutaris, 2016; 2017; 2019; 2023). He has acted as an adviser to the European Parliament’s GUE/NGL Parliamentary Group for Brexit related issues. His website focuses on Secessions, Constitutions and EU law.
As our 2023 Federal Scholar, he will spend a three-week research stay at Eurac Research.