2a/2025 Comparative Federalism and Autonomy Studies
- Project duration: -
- Project status: ongoing
- Funding: Internal funding EURAC (Project)
- Institute: Institute for Comparative Federalism
This project integrates manifold strands of the institute’s comparative studies. From the outset, we have thereby aimed at both gaining insights for the autonomy of South Tyrol and conducting broader research that is based on the analysis of self-government arrangements worldwide.
In carrying out this research, we follow a decidedly trilingual approach and link scientific communities in German, Italian and English language. As a result of this bridging function, we conduct comparative studies in close collaboration with networks operating in each of these three languages (e.g. Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismusforschung (EZFF), Devolution Club – Associazione per il dialogo costituzionale and International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (IACFS)). Trilingualism also characterizes the training events, consultancy activities, conferences and publications that are informed by this research on federalism and autonomy worldwide. In particular, the institute also edits book series in each of the three languages: “Minderheiten und Autonomien” (Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden), “Ius Publicum Europaeum” (CEDAM, Padova and ESI, Naples) and “Studies in Territorial and Cultural Diversity Governance” (Brill, Leiden and Boston).
The most notable publications, which aim at integrating the findings of long standing comparative studies, are the edited volume “Minority Accommodation through Territorial and Non-Territorial Autonomy” (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015) and the handbook “Comparative Federalism: Constitutional Arrangements and Case Law" (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2017). Specifically for policy-makers and other practitioners interested in federalism, we have launched in 2016 the website “Autonomy Arrangements in the World“, which is contiuously extended with additional case studies and shall develop into an easily accessible online source of information on the practice of autonomy arrangements worldwide.
Fessha Y, Kössler K, Palermo F (2022)
Contribution in book
Intergovernmental Relations in Divided Societies
More information: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-030-88785-8
Fessha Y, Kössler K, Palermo F (2022)
London: Palgrave Macmillan
Edited book
More information: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-030-88785-8
Kössler K (2022)
Contribution in book
Comparative Federalism and Covid-19. Combating the Pandemic
More information: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003166771-6
Eppler A, Jeffery C, Lütgenau SA (2021)
Innsbruck: Studien Verlag
(Foster Europe - International Studies Series)
Edited book
More information: https://www.studienverlag.at/produkt/5397/qualified-autonomy ...
Kössler K (2021)
Conference: IACFS Conference 2021 "The Making and Ending of Federalism" | Innsbruck | 28.10.2021 - 30.10.2021
Kössler K (2021)
Conference: Volksgruppen – Fenster zur Welt/Manjšine – okno v svet | Klagenfurt | 10.11.2021 - 10.11.2021
Kössler K (2021)
Conference: Federalism and the Law of Diversity| Islands or Archipelago? | : 26.10.2021 - 16.11.2021
Kössler K (2021)
Contribution in book
Qualified Autonomy and Federalism versus Secession in EU Member States
More information: https://www.studienverlag.at/produkt/5397/qualified-autonomy ...
Kössler K (2021)
Contribution in book
Von Government zu Governance: Direkte und deliberative Demokratie in europäischen Mehrebenensystemen
More information: https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/9783748925026/von-gove ...
Parolari S (2019)
More information: https://blogs.eurac.edu/eureka/brexit-evolves-and-devolves/
Zwilling C (2019)
More information: https://blogs.eurac.edu/eureka/is-it-still-all-about-old-men ...
Palermo F (2017)
Contribution in book
Concurrent Powers in Federal Systems: Meaning, Making, Managing
Palermo F, Kössler K (2017)
Oxford: Hart
(Hart studies in comparative public law)
Authored book
Kössler K (2017)
More information: https://rm.coe.int/border-regions-facing-migration-phenomena ...
Parolari S (2017)
Journal article
Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali
More information: http://www.forumcostituzionale.it/wordpress/wp-content/uploa ...
Kössler K (2017)
Contribution in book
Regioni a statuto speciale e tutela della lingua : Quale apporto per l'integrazione sociale e politica?
Toniatti R, Woelk J (2017)
London: Routledge
(Law, Development and Globalization)
Edited book
Medda-Windischer R, Kössler K (2017)
Contribution in book
European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Volume 13 (2014)
Kössler K, Medda-Windischer R (2016)
Leiden and Boston:Brill‐Martinus Nijhoff
(European Yearbook of Minority Issues)
Edited book
More information: https://brill.com/view/title/34048
Parolari S (2016)
Journal article
Le regioni : bimestrale di analisi giuridica e istituzionale
Parolari S (2016)
Contribution in book
Il Regno è ancora Unito? Saggi e commenti sul referendum scozzese del 18 settembre 2014
Kössler K (2016)
Journal article
Istituzioni del Federalismo
More information: http://www.regione.emilia-romagna.it/affari_ist/Rivista_2_20 ...
Alber E, Zwilling C (2014)
Baden-Baden: Nomos
(Schriftenreihe der Europäischen Akademie Bozen, Bereich "Minderheiten und Autonomien")
Edited book
Palermo F, Zwilling C, Kössler K (2009)
Bolzano: Eurac Research
(EURAC book)
Edited book