Institute for Comparative Federalism - Projects - Participatory Democracy Euregio
Participatory Democracy Euregio
3b/2025 Participatory Democracy in the Euregio and bordering areas
- Project duration: -
- Project status: ongoing
- Funding: Other EU Funding (EU funding / Project)
- Website:
- Institute: Institute for Comparative Federalism
The INTERREG project DL-DEMO - What does democracy stand for? investigates attitudes and experiences of the population on the topic of democracy and decision-making processes at the one hand. At the other hand, it investigates how innovations in local government and decision-making can lead to better governance. From this project a follow-up is the mapping of participatory democracy instruments and practices at local level in the autonmous provinces of Bolzano/Bozen and Trento (in cooperation with Professor Marco Brunazzo and experts in the provincial administrations of both provinces).
The INTERREG project DL-DEMO - What does democracy stand for? investigates attitudes and experiences of the population on the topic of democracy and decision-making processes. It embeds the results of workshops throughout various areas in the Euregio and its neighboring regions in democracy research, and it evaluates whether, and if yes, to what extent democratic innovations are getting institutionalized for the sake of better governance. Project partners are: the regional management agencies of Eastern Tyrol, Pustertal Valley and Alto Bellunese, scientifically led by the Eurac Research in cooperation with the Comelico Foundation and researchers from the Danube University Krems (the Austrian Democracy Lab Unit).
Presentation and evaluation of the summer talks 2021 | Anras, 22 September 2022