Institute for Earth Observation - Scientific Advisory Board
Scientific Advisory Board
Once a year the Institute for Earth Observation calls the Scientific Advisory Board meeting which represents Eurac Research's central scientific body. Their role is to evaluate the results and to give feedback and recommendations for future activities and determine the direction of our research.
The Scientific Advisory Board is composed of European and international experts who are appointed for three years.
The current members are:
Credit: Doris Klein | All rights reserved
Dr. Doris Klein
Dr. Doris Klein is scientific advisor at the German Remote Sensing Data Centre (DFD) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) since 2011. She received her PhD at Bonn University in 2008 and worked as PostDoc at the University of Würzburg, leading the team ‘Land surface parameters’ at the Department of Remote Sensing of the Institute for Geology and Geography. She is specialized in remote sensing with a focus on vegetation parameters, vegetation dynamics and land degradation in the context of global change and climatic change. Geographically her focus is on Eastern and Southern Africa as well as central Asia and Germany. Over the last years she worked as scientific coordinator of the DLR FireBIRD mission. Generally, she has a special interest in the new scientific research opportunities which open up due to the multitude of Copernicus Sentinel data as well as the infrastructure solutions which are developed to cope with these data amounts.
Credit: Roberto Dinale | All rights reserved
Roberto Dinale
Director of the Office for Hydrology and Dams Agency for Civil Protection of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol
Credit: Peter Strobl | All rights reserved
Dr. Peter Strobl
Senior Scientific Officer at Directorate General Joint Research Centre (JRC), Directorate for Sustainable Resources