- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Funding: ESA (International organisations funding / Project)
- Institute: Institute for Earth Observation
AlpSnow project is focused on further developments and improvements regarding seasonal snow cover extent measurements and its physical properties, as well as, in the integration of EO-based snow cover information in hydrological and snow process models. Along this line, the AlpSnow activity is aimed at supporting regional operational priorities in hydrology and water management by fostering the use of EO-based products, as well as serving the science community, including contributions to international science initiatives that are concerned with hydrology and environmental research in mountain regions.
In order to achieve these goals, the following main activities are to be realized in the AlpSnow project:
- Development, validation and implementation of innovative EO-based techniques and algorithms for retrieval of snow products, optimized for comprehensive applications in mountain areas. Products for the following snow parameters shall be included: snow area extent, snow albedo, snow grain size, snow water equivalent (SWE), snow depth (SD), snow liquid water content (wet snow).
- Generation of coherent snow parameter products covering the whole Alpine region with high temporal and spatial resolution, spanning at least 4 years from September 2017.
- Evaluation of the potential impact of the products on science, applications, and society through impact assessment studies in collaboration with scientific and operational institutions, including applications in hydrological models and land surface process models.
Contact persons: Claudia Notarnicola