Eurach Research


Hyperspectral Prisma Data for Ecosystem functions, habitats, and diversity characterization

    The Hyperecos project is a 2.5-year project part of the “PRISMA Scienza” tender by the Italian Space agency (ASI). In this project lead by the Tuscia University, EURAC Research is a project partner alongside the Terrasystem SRL, the “Consiglio per la ricerca in agriculture e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA) and the Trier University. In this project we evaluate the new hyperspectral Earth Observation data from the PRISMA mission data and advanced big data analysis techniques for ecosystems studies. Hyperspectral datasets allow the linking of plant canopy, ecosystem and habitat features to the spectral-optical properties. Together with complementary EO-data available such as SAR data certain specific traits linked to water content and vegetation structure can be researched. This project is focused on Alpine Grasslands, Forests, and Wetlands (coastal vegetation) ecosystems, already suffering from climate and anthropogenic impacts. In seven different sites the project is intended to analyze ecosystems and their changes by mapping ecosystem subtypes and biodiversity based on broad vegetation classes, recognizable with hyperspectral data as provided by the PRISMA mission.

    Contact person: Laura Stendardi

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    During the summers of 2023 and 2024, our researchers conducted a sampling campaign in the Sciliar-Catinaccio Natural Park, South Tyrol, Italy. Covering 7291 hectares, the park features diverse substrates and is home to Europe's largest high-altitude Alpine meadow. We collected data on various grassland habitats and species diversity to validate our models within the Hyperecos project. As part of the Natura 2000 network, the park hosts 40 Alpine endemic plant species, including notable populations like Androsace vitaliana and Campanula morettiana, underscoring its significant biodiversity.Credit: Eurac Research | Emilio Dorigatti

    The map illustrates the classification of grassland habitats in the Sciliar-Catinaccio Nature Park, achieved through a model integrating data from the PRISMA hyperspectral sensor and the Sentinel-2 multispectral sensor. By leveraging the spectral and temporal information from both sensors, the classification attained an overall accuracy of 87%. The grassland habitats are categorized into six distinct EUNIS classes: lowland to montane, dry to mesic grassland usually dominated by Nardus stricta (R1M); mesic permanent pasture of lowlands and mountains (R21); mountain hay meadow (R23); temperate acidophilous alpine grassland (R43); arctic-alpine calcareous grassland (R44); and alpine and subalpine enriched grassland (V36).​

    The map, derived from a PRISMA hyperspectral image captured on September 29, 2023, was produced by testing various classification algorithms. It categorizes the land cover of Sciliar-Catinaccio Nature Park into five distinct classes: grasslands, unvegetated areas, shrublands, wetlands, and forests. With an overall accuracy of 86%, the map demonstrates the critical role of PRISMA spectral information in achieving accurate classification.

    Project funded by

    Let’s take a field trip
    Wolffe R (2024)

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