Eurach Research


Molecular analysis of the microbiome and of infectious diseases in ancient human remains - from capture-sequencing to metagenomics diagnostics.

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: ongoing
    • Funding:
      Internal funding EURAC (Project)
    • Institute: Institute for Mummy Studies

    Ancient skeletal and soft tissue samples can still contain traces of the original bacterial DNA. This applies both to the DNA of human commensals (e.g. intestinal bacteria) and to the genetic material of pathogens. Thereby, genome wide analysis of ancient pathogens provides information on the onset and spread of chronic infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or leprosy and helps to identify the causative agents of major human epidemics such as the plague. Furthermore, the metagenomic study of ancient human microbiomes provide novel insights into the composition and possible changes of human microbial communities over the last millennia. The biomolecular investigation of pathogens in ancient human remains represents an emerging field of research which provides considerable insight into the history and evolution of infectious diseases. The applied diagnostic approaches in paleomicobiology range from the histological detection to the PCR-based characterization of ancient pathogens. More recently, the era of high-throughput sequencing paved new ways to analyze ancient DNA resulting e.g. in the first complete genome of the causative agent of Black Death, Yersinia pestis. However there are obstacles yet to overcome such as the limitations of PCR-based approaches in analyzing highly degraded ancient DNA extracts or the development of bioinformatics pipelines to screen complex metagenomic datasets for ancient pathogens.

    The aim of this project will be to improve the DNA-based detection of the microbiome incl. pathogens in ancient human remains. To further optimize molecular diagnostics approaches the EURAC Institute for Mummy Studies has access to an variety of tissue samples with possible tuberculosis, brucellosis and malaria infection. Moreover, together with our cooperation partner from Vienna and Stockholm we are analyzing the metagenomic data of the Iceman´s genomic survey in order to establish a bioinformatics pipeline for the de novo detection of commensals and pathogens in metagenomic datasets of ancient human remains. Thereby obtained knowledge is currently also applied to shotgun datasets of Tuberculosis positive skeletal material. In addition we seek for molecular traces of other diseases such as e.g. leprosy, syphilis, malaria and plague in ancient human remains.

    The 3,300-year-old Yersinia pestis genome of an ancient Egyptian mummified individual
    Maixner F, Gaul E, Mussauer A, Paladin A, Wurst C, Sarhan M, Samadelli M, Del Vesco P, Facchetti F, Posth C, Spyrou M, Zink A (2024)

    Conference: European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association PPA | Leiden | 21.8.2024 - 24.8.2024

    Paleogenetic analysis of ancient human remains provide precious insights into the microbiome and diet of our ancestors
    Maixner F (2023)
    Salzburg: Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
    Professorial dissertation
    Das älteste Bier Österreichs nachbrauen
    Eichert S, Gamon M, Heiss AG, Kowarik K, Maixner F, Reschreiter H (2023)
    Journal article
    Natur historisches: Magazin des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien

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    A nontuberculous mycobacterium could solve the mystery of the lady from the Franciscan church in Basel, Switzerland
    Sarhan M, Wurst C, Tzankov A, Bircher AJ, Wittig H, Briellmann T, Augsburger M, Hotz G, Zink A, Maixner F (2023)
    Journal article
    BMC Biology

    Microscopic Evidence of Malaria Infection in Visceral Tissue from Medici Family, Italy
    Maixner F, Drescher D, Boccalini G, Piombino-Mascali D, Janko M, Berens-Riha N, Kim BJ, Gamble M, Schatterny J, Morty RE, Ludwig M, Krause-Kyora B, Stark R, An HJ, Neumann J, Cipollini G, Grimm R, Kilian N, Zink A (2023)
    Journal article
    Emerging Infectious Diseases

    The evolution of the human gut microbiome
    Maixner F (2023)

    Conference: Il ruolo dell’immunoterapia nel trattamento del melanoma e del tumore polmonare | Bolzano | 6.12.2023 - 6.12.2023

    Helicobacter pylori in ancient human remains
    Maixner F (2023)

    Conference: HGSC 2023, HELICOBACTER PYLORI GENOMICS, SIGNALING AND CARCINOGENESIS | Beilngries | 2.12.2023 - 5.12.2023

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA extraction from mummified and skeletal human remains using Linear Polyacrylamide (LPA)
    Maixner F, Jäger HY, Sarhan MS, Valverde G, Pap I, Szikossy I, Palfi G, Zink A (2022)

    Conference: ICEPT-3, International Conference on the Evolution and Paleoepidemiology of Tuberculosis Szeged, Hungary | Szeged | 5.7.2022 - 7.7.2022

    Zink A, Maixner F (2022)
    Contribution in book
    Osteologische Paläopathologie - Ein Handbuch für Anthropologen, Mediziner und Archäologen
    Multidisciplinary analysis of intestinal content in ancient mummies: new insights into diet, disease, and the evolution of our gut microbiome
    Zink A, Maixner F (2022)

    Conference: 15th ISGA Congress, 5th International Conference of Evolutionary Medicine, EAA - ISGA – ICEM | Vilnius | 24.8.2022 - 27.8.2022

    Microscopic evidence for malaria infection in visceral tissue of the Medici family
    Maixner F, Boccalini G, Piombino-Mascali D, Janko M, Berens-Riha N, Kim BJ, Gamble M, Krause-Kyora B, Drescher D, Kilian N, Stark R, An HJ, Neumann J, Cipollini G, Grimm R, Zink A (2022)

    Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

    The post-mortem Clostridium effect in mummies
    Rudbeck E, Sarhan MS, Valverde G, Wurst C, Zink A, Maixner F (2022)

    Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

    In search of TB among the members of the Hausmann family: Mycocerosic acid based TB diagnostics via HPLC-HRMS
    Váradi O, Spekker O, Szikossy I, Szvák E, Rakk D, Terhes G, Pap I, Maixner F, Zink A, Vágvölgyi C, Donoghue H, Minnikin DE, Szekeres A, Pálfi G (2022)

    Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

    Reconsidering additional sources of ancient DNA
    Sarhan MS, Samadelli M, Hotz G, Francken M, Zink A, Maixner F (2022)

    Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

    Linear polyacrylamide is highly efficient in precipitating and purifying environmental and ancient DNA
    Maixner F, Mitterer C, Jäger HY, Sarhan MS, Valverde G, Lücker S, Piombino-Mascali D, Szikossy I, Molnár E, Pálfi G, Pap I, Cipollini G, Zink A (2022)
    Journal article
    Methods in Ecology and Evolution

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    Spezifische Infektionen: Tuberkulose, Lepra und Syphilis mit spezieller Paläogenetik bei Infektionserkrankungen
    Zink A, Maixner F (2022)
    Contribution in book
    Osteologische Paläopathologie - Ein Handbuch für Anthropologen, Mediziner und Archäologen
    Molecular and microscopic analysis of human paleofeces from the salt mines in Hallstatt, Austria, provide precious insights into dietary habits and gut microbiome composition of Iron Age miners
    Maixner F, Sarhan MS, Huang KD, Tett A, Schoenafinger A, Zingale S, Blanco-Míguez A, Manghi P, Cemper-Kiesslich J, Rosendahl W, Kusebauch U, Morrone SR, Hoopmann MR, Rota-Stabelli O, Rattei T, Moritz RL, Oeggl K, Segata N, Zink A, Reschreiter H, Kowarik K (2021)

    Conference: ISBA9| 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMOLECULAR ARCHAEOLOGY | Toulouse : 1.6.2021 - 4.6.2021

    Recovery of ancient human- and microbial DNA from cave bones and-sediments
    Sarhan M, Lehmkuhl A, Wieland G, Franken M, Zink A, Maixner F (2021)

    Conference: Bioinformatics Virtual Coordination Network Virtual Conference| Holistic Bioinformatic Approaches used in Microbiome Research | : 7.6.2021 - 11.6.2021

    Ancient DNA diffuses from human bones to cave stones
    Sarhan MS, Lehmkuhl A, Straub R, Tett A, Wieland G, Francken M, Zink A, Maixner F (2021)
    Journal article

    Ancient DNA analysis of rare genetic bone disorders
    Maixner F, Gresky J, Zink A (2021)
    Journal article
    International Journal of Paleopathology

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    Verification of tuberculosis infection among Vác mummies (18th century CE, Hungary) based on lipid biomarker profiling with a new HPLC-HESI-MS approach
    Váradi OA, Rakk D, Spekker O, Terhes G, Urbán E, Berthon W, Pap I, Szikossy I, Maixner F, Zink A, Vágvólgyi C, Donoghue H, Minnikin D, Szekeres A, Pálfi G (2021)
    Journal article

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    Reconstruction of ancient microbial genomes from the human gut
    Wibowo MC, Yang Z, Borry M, Hübner A, Huang KD, Tierney BT, Zimmerman S, Barajas-Olmos F, Contreras-Cubas C, García-Ortiz H, Martínez-Hernández A, Luber JM, Kirstahler P, Blohm T, Smiley FE, Arnold R, Ballal SA, Pamp SJ, Russ J, Maixner F, Rota-Stabelli O, Segata N, Reinhard K, Orozco L, Warinner C, Snow M, LeBlanc S, Kostic AD (2021)
    Journal article

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    Molekulargenetischer Nachweis von Infektionserregern
    Maixner F, Sarhan MS, Wurst C, Zink A (2021)
    Contribution in book
    Anna Catharina Bischoff. Die Mumie aus der Barfüsserkirche: Rekonstruktion einer Basler Frauenbiografie des 18. Jahrhunderts

    The elusive parasite: comparing macroscopic, immunological, and genomic approaches to identifying malaria in human skeletal remains from Sayala, Egypt (third to sixth centuries AD)
    Loufouma Mbouaka A, Gamble M, Wurst C, Jäger HY, Maixner F, Zink A, Noedl H, Binder M (2021)
    Journal article
    Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

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    Hallstatt miners consumed blue cheese and beer during the Iron Age and retained a non-Westernized gut microbiome until the Baroque period
    Maixner F, Sarhan MS, Huang KD, Tett A, Schoenafinger A, Zingale S, Blanco-Mıguez A, Manghi P, Cemper-Kiesslich J, Rosendahl W, Kusebauch U, Morrone SR, Hoopmann MR, Rota-Stabelli O, Rattei T, Moritz RL, Oeggl K, Segata N, Zink A, Reschreiter H, Kowarik K (2021)
    Journal article
    Current Biology

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    Analysis of 1,321 Eubacterium rectale genomes from metagenomes uncovers complex phylogeographic population structures and subspecies functional adaptations
    Karcher N, Pasolli E, Asnicar F, Huang K, Tett A, Manara S, Armanini F, Bain D, Duncan SH, Louis P, Zolfo M, Manghi P, Raffaetà R, Rota-Stabelli O, Collado MC, Zeller G, Falush D, Maixner F, Walker AW, Huttenhower C, Segata N (2020)
    Journal article
    Genome Biology

    Lipid biomarker based verification of TB infection in mother’s and daughter’s mummified human remains (Vác Mummy Collection, 18th century, CE, Hungary)
    Váradia OA, Szikossy I, Spekkera O, Rakk D, Terhes G, Urbán E, Berthon W, Pap I, Maixner F, Zink A, Vágvölgyi C, Donoghue HD, Minnikin DE, Pálfi´G, Szekeres A (2020)
    Journal article
    Acta Biologica Szegediensis

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    The Prevotella copri complex comprises four distinct clades that are underrepresented in Westernized populations
    Tett A, Huang KD, Asnicar F, Fehlner-Peach H, Pasolli E, Karcher N, Armanini F, Manghi P, Bonham K, Zolfo M, De Filippis F, Magnabosco C, Bonneau R, Lusingu R, Amuasi J, Reinhard K, Rattei T, Boulund F, Engstrand L, Zink A, Collado MC, Littman DR, Eibach D, Ercolini D, Rota-Stabelli O, Huttenhower C, Maixner F, Segata N (2019)
    Journal article
    Cell Host & Microbe

    Molecular Reconstruction of the Diet in Human Stool Samples
    Maixner F (2019)
    Journal article

    Helicobacter pylori in ancient human remains
    Maixner F, Thorell K, Granehäll L, Linz B, Moodley Y, Rattei T, Engstrand L, Zink A (2019)
    Journal article
    World Journal of Gastroenterology

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    The Iceman's Last Meal Consisted of Fat, Wild Meat, and Cereals
    Maixner F, Turaev D, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Janko M, Krause-Kyora B, Hoopmann MR, Kusebauch U, Sartain M, Guerriero G, O'Sullivan N, Teasdale M, Cipollini G, Paladin A, Mattiangeli V, Samadelli M, Putzer A, Tecchiati U, Meissen J, Palazoglu M, Rausch P, Lösch S, Kim BJ, Baines JF, Gostner P, An HJ, Malfertheiner P, Egarter-Vigl E, Stark RW, Keller A, Bishop D, Wenk M, Engstrand L, Moritz RL, Bradley DG, Fiehn O, Nebel A, Oeggl K, Doble P, Franke A, Rattei T, Grimm R, Zink A (2018)
    Journal article
    Current Biology

    The comparative study of two extraction methods for ancient DNA: silica suspension method and ultracentrifugal concentrator method
    Lee EJ, Maixner F, Zink A (2018)
    Journal article
    Analytical Science & Technology

    miRNAs in ancient tissue specimens of the Tyrolean Iceman
    Keller A, Kreis S, Leidinger P, Maixner F, Ludwig N, Backes C, Galata V, Guerriero G, Fehlmann T, Franke A, Meder B, Zink A, Meese E (2017)
    Journal article
    Molecular Biology and Evolution

    Tuberculosis in early medieval Switzerland: osteological and molecular evidence from Courroux
    Cooper C, Fellner R, Heubi O, Maixner F, Zink A, Lösch S (2016)
    Journal article
    Swiss Medical Weekly

    The 5300-year-old Helicobacter pylori genome of the Iceman
    Maixner F, Krause-Kyora B, Turaev D, Herbig A, Hoopmann MR, Hallows JL, Kusebauch U, Vigl EE, Malfertheiner P, Megraud F, O'Sullivan N, Cipollini G, Coia V, Samadelli M, Engstrand L, Linz B, Moritz RL, Grimm R, Krause J, Nebel A, Moodley Y, Rattei T, Zink A (2016)
    Journal article

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