Eurach Research


Bologna Mummy Project


    “Mummies. Unwrapping the past” is the result of a collaboration between the Bologna Archaeological Museum and the Eurac Research Institute for Mummy Studies. The two institutions began working together in 2019 when it was decided that two Egyptian mummies housed in the museum’s storerooms since the late 1970s should be exhibited for both the scientific community and the public: the mummy with the painted shroud and the mummy of a child with three tunics.

    Unraveling the mummy’s shroud: A multi-analytical study of a rare painted textile from Roman Egypt
    Piccirillo A, Buscaglia P, Caliri C, Romano FP, Pavone DP, Ravan EL, Botticelli M, Conti C, Catrambone M, Miliani C, Degano I, Andreotti A, Nardella F, Samadelli M, Paladin A, Genta R, Cardinali M, Pozzi F, Picchi D (2024)
    Journal article
    Journal of Cultural Heritage

    An Egyptian mummy of the Roman period with a painted shroud: a multi-analyticalstudy of its technical features.
    Piccirillo A, Buscaglia P, Pozzi F, Caliri C, Romano FP, Pavone DP, Ravan EL, Conti C, Catrambone M, Miliani C, Degano I, Andreotti A, Nardella F, Samadelli M, Paladin A, Genta R, Cardinali M, Picchi D (2023)

    Conference: TECHNART 2023 International conference on analytical techniques in art and cultural heritage. | Lisbona | 7.5.2023 - 12.5.2023

    An Egyptian mummy of the Roman period with a painted shroud: a multi-analytical study of its technical features.
    Picchi D, Buscaglia P, Piccirillo A, Genta R, Pozzi F, Cardinali M, Samadelli M, Paladin A, Caliri C, Romano FP, Conti C, Miliani C (2023)

    Conference: International conference Ancient Egypt New Technology 2nd edition. | Napoli | 5.7.2023 - 7.9.2023

    Storia di una “Bella” egiziana da Tebe Ovest
    Picchi D, Paladin A, Samadelli M (2023)

    Conference: Invito al Museo Civico Archeologico. Visite. Incontri. Laboratori. | Bologna | 21.1.2023 - 30.4.2023

    More information: ...

    The Bologna Mummy Project (BOmp)
    Picchi D, Samadelli M, Paladin A (2023)

    Conference: CIPEG Annual Meeting 2023 and the 4th CIPEG Young Meeting| "Local and National Museums: celebrating 40 years of CIPEG 1983-2023” | Luxor : 20.11.2023 - 24.11.2023

    Facial depiction of a Roman Period mummy with portrait from the Fayoum Oasis, Egypt

    Liu J, Wilkinson C, Roch A, Zesch S, Mussauer A, Paladin A, Zink A (2022)

    Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

    The Bologna mummy project: an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human remains from Roman and Medieval Egypt
    Picchi D, Samadelli M, Golfieri R, Vara G, Buscaglia P, Genta R, Piccirillo A, Pozzi F, Cardinali M, Tomedi I, Wurst C, Maixner F, Zink A, Paladin A (2022)

    Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

    La mummia di un antico egiziano a Mantova
    Picchi D, Paladin A (2022)

    Conference: Flash d'arte. Lavori per un nuovo museo. | Mantova Palazzo San Sebastiano | 1.10.2021 - 1.10.2021

    Storia di una “Bella” egiziana da Tebe Ovest
    Picchi D, Paladin A, Samadelli M (2022)

    Conference: Ciclo di incontri del CISE, centro italiano studi egittologici | Imola | 18.11.2022 - 18.11.2022

    Rai Radio Alto Adige: POST-IT
    Paladin A, Samadelli M (2021)

    More information:

    Una mummia sotto la lente di Eurac
    Brunelli E, Paladin A (2021)
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    • Archaeological Civic Museum of Bologna, Italy

    • Saint Orsola hospital (Bologna)



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