Institute for Mummy Studies - Projects - ME Torino Mummy Project
ME Torino Mummy Project
ME Torino Mummy Study and Conservation Project
- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Funding: Internal funding EURAC (Project)
- Institute: Institute for Mummy Studies
In this research project the whole collection of Egyptian mummies (>100) housed in the Museum of Egyptolgy in Torino, Italy will undergo a detailed scientific examination. In a first step, the mummies will be radiologically investigated by using a mobile CT scanner. The CT data will be used for an anthropological analysis in order to determine the age, sex and state of preservation of each mummy. In collaboration with our cooperation partner, the HORUS group, the mummies will be analyzed for the presence of arterial calcifications (atherosclerosis). In a further step, small biopsy samples will be taken from all mummies where an access to soft or bone tissue is present. The samples will be subjected to activity water analysis, radiocarbon dating and genetic analysis in the framework of the project "Mummy Atherosclerosis" for the evaluation of genetic risk factors related ot cardiovascular diseases in the mummies.
Panzer S, Paladin A, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Augat P, Thompson RC, Miyamoto MI, Sutherland ML, Allam AH, Wann LS, Sutherland JD, Rowan CJ, Michalik DE, Hergan K, Zink A (2024)
Journal article
Clinical Anatomy
Thompson RC, Sutherland ML, Allam AH, Paladin A, Zink AR, Wann LS, Sutherland JD, Frohlich B, Hunt D, Miyamoto MI, Rowan CJ, Michalik DE, Finch CE, Lombardi GP, Soliman M, Monge JM, Vallodolid CM, Cox SL, Abdel-Maksoud G, Badr I, Nur el-Din A, King SI, Seyfried F, Panzer S, Zesch S, Wurst C, Samadelli M, Gregori G, Rossani M, Valverde G, Maixner F, Facchetti F, Warnasch S, Watson L, Narula J, Nelson AJ, Thomas GS (2024)
Journal article
European Heart Journal
Mussauer A, Wurst C, Paladin A, Coia V, Maixner F, Zink A (2024)
Conference: Mummies and the Ancient Egyptians | Budapest | 29.1.2024 - 2.2.2024
Maixner F, Gaul E, Mussauer A, Paladin A, Wurst C, Sarhan M, Samadelli M, Del Vesco P, Facchetti F, Posth C, Spyrou M, Zink A (2024)
Conference: European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association PPA | Leiden | 21.8.2024 - 24.8.2024
Manzollino R, Del Vesco P, Samadelli M, Zink A, Sutherland LM, Paladin A (2024)
Conference: 24th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association | Leiden, The Netherlands | 21.8.2024 - 24.8.2024
Wurst C, Maixner F, Paladin A, Mussauer A, Valverde G, Thompson R, Zink A (2023)
Conference: New Horizons in Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA10) | Tartu | 13.9.2023 - 16.9.2023
Mussauer A, Wurst C, Paladin A, Coia V, Maixner F, Zink A (2023)
Conference: New Horizons in Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA10) | Tartu | 13.9.2023 - 16.9.2023
Panzer S, Schneider KO, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Thompson RC, Zink A (2023)
Journal article
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
Panzer S, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Thompson RC, Zink A (2023)
Journal article
International Journal of Paleopathology
More information: ...
Wurst C, Maixner F, Valverde G, Tessmann B, Krause-Kyora B, Krause J, Del Vesco P, Helmbold-Doyé J, Hotz G, Thompson R, Zink A (2022)
Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
Mussauer A, Wurst C, Paladin A, Coia V, Maixner F, Helmbold-Doyé J, Del Vesco P, Rosendahl W, Zink A (2022)
Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
Manzollino R, Rodella L, Del Vesco P, Zink A, Conti V, Paladin A (2022)
Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
Paladin A, Facchetti F, Töpfer S (2022)
Conference: you and me | ONLINE | 14.1.2022 - 14.1.2022
Facchetti F, Paladin A, Aicardi S, Manzollino R, Sutherland ML, Wurst C, Mussauer A, Samadelli M, Zink A, Greco C (2022)
Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
Conti V, Rodella L, Del Vesco P, Zink A, Manzollino R, Paladin A (2022)
Conference: Le scienze e i beni culturali| innovazione e multidisciplinarietà | Milano : 19.9.2022 - 20.9.2022
Panzer S, Schneider KO, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Helmbold-Doyé J, Thompson R, Zink A (2022)
Journal article
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
Panzer S, Treitl M, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Helmbold-Doyé J, Thompson RC, Zink A (2022)
Elsevier BV
Journal article
International Journal of Paleopathology
More information:
Panzer S, Augat P, Sprenger M, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Sutherland ML, Thompson RC, Paladin A, Zink A (2021)
Journal article
International Journal of Paleopathology
More information:
Zink A, Paladin A (2021)
Conference: The art of embalming| practice, evolution and materiality Egyptological colloquium British Museum | London : 31.8.2021 - 3.9.2021
Zink A, Paladin A, Panzer S (2020)
Conference: Annual Egyptological lectures and colloquia | London | 6.2.2020 - 8.2.2020
Samadelli M, Gregori G, Maixner F, Rossani M, Del Vesco P, Borla M, Paladin A, Wurst C, Sterflinger-Gleixner K, Voitl C, Cibin M, Thomas GS, Frohlich B, Thompson RC, Zink AR (2019)
Journal article
Rivista del Museo Egizio
More information:
Paladin A, Zink A, Frohlich B, Sutherland ML, Sutherland J, Zesch S (2019)
Conference: 2nd Horus EURAC Torino Museum conjoint symposium | Bolzano | 14.10.2019 - 14.10.2019
Zink A, Paladin A, Wurst C, Samadelli M, Mussauer A, Maixner F (2019)
Conference: Human Remains. Ethics, Conservation, Display | Torino | 30.9.2019 - 1.10.2019
Frohlich B, Wurst C, Paladin A, Zink A (2017)
Conference: Horus-Eurac conjoint symposium on the fundamental etiologies of atherosclerosis | Torino | 1.4.2017 - 1.4.2017
Wurst C (2017)
Conference: Horus-Eurac conjoint symposium on the fundamental etiologies of atherosclerosis | Torino | 1.4.2017 - 1.4.2017