Digital Government for Green Municipalities and Cities
- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Institute: Institute for Public Management
With the Next Generation EU further stressing the importance of a digital and green transition to tackle sustainability and resilience issues, the necessity to pursue projects in these fields has never been so high. Public administrations clearly cover a crucial role in such transformational phase and municipalities, which are the closest administrations to citizens, are at the forefront of such change.
Nevertheless, it is not easy for municipalities to embark in challenging digital and green projects, gather the necessary financial and human resources to carry them out and complete them successfully. Obstacles and pitfalls always occur, just like optimal planning and great initiatives. Through the DiGreen Project, Eurac Research takes part in an international project with partner institutions from Austria, Romania and Slovakia with the goal of gathering best practices at municipal level within both the digital and the green field. A handbook of digital good practices and one of green good practices will be jointly produced and published by March 2023. They are expected to provide valid orientation for all European municipalities willing to implement digital or green projects.
For the project, Eurac Research will cooperate tightly with the municipalities of Lana, Naturno e Luson.