Institute for Public Management - News & Events - Erasmus+ DiGreen Project: Successful Partner Meeting
Erasmus+ DiGreen Project: Successful Partner Meeting
In a significant step forward for the Erasmus+ project “DiGreen - Digital Government for Green Municipalities and Cities”, a productive transnational project meeting was held in Košice (SK).
- Date: 08-09.04.2024
- Place: Košice (SK)
- Typology: Erasmus+ Transnational project meeting
The meeting saw the active participation of the four project partners, the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, the Romanian World Economy of IWE, and Eurac Research.
The partners discussed various aspects of the DiGreen project, sharing insights and updates about their respective contributions. The meeting was marked by a spirit of collaboration and mutual learning, reflecting the core values of the Erasmus+ initiative.