Institute for Regional Development - Space and Society
Space and Society
Our world is facing a series of unprecedented crises that relates to our economy, environment, climate and way of living. Our task is to accelerate the transition towards more sustainable, equitable and solidary modes of living and production.
The Space and Society research group aims to build more attractive, inclusive, and just rural and urban societies. To achieve this, our territorial and participatory approach encompasses the specificities of places, and engages local actors in co-designing solutions tailored to their needs.
- Study how to guarantee equal access to opportunities and services - such as social care and mobility services- across spaces and social groups.
- Work on-sites with local actors and stakeholders to commonly develop projects that valorize existing resources to promote sustainable lifestyle and community well-being.
Main topics
- Social and economic inclusion of migrants into local communities with a special focus on labor integration and access to territorial services and resources.
- Community practices to promote a socially and environmentally transition processes towards sustainable living with a focus on community economies, social innovations in the governance of collective resources, and smart tourism.
- Accessible transport systems with special focus on cross-border public transport, autonomous vehicles and digital accessibility and bicycle accessibility for both residents and tourists.
- Green Mobility Network (STA)
- Alpine Changemakers Network
- Scientist For Future South Tyrol
- Consulta dell´agricoltura sociale della Provincia di Bolzano
- International Association for the Study of the Commons
- Euromontana
- Alpine Convention (Ad Hoc RSA9 Working Group on Alpine Towns; Alpine Climate Board)
- Think Tank EUSALP Action Group 5
- Association of Italian Geographers
- New European Bauhaus of the Mountain