Looking for Mommy

Ötzi and his ‘tenants’
An interview with Albert Zink, Head of the Institute for Mummy Studies at Eurac Research.

The Iceman’s last meal contained a remarkably high fat content
Mummy researchers from Eurac Research have analysed the stomach contents of the glacier mummy and reveal new insights into nutrition and food preparation from 5,300 years ago.

Ancient Egypt, high fashion and a bunch of beauty
Interview with Christian Greco, director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin
16 settembre 2021
Lo sviluppo della ricerca sulla governance e management pubblico in una prospettiva transfrontaliera

Packages to simplify deep renovation of buildings
A European project led by Eurac Research has developed standard solutions suitable for every climate zone

The mummy rescue mission

Ötzi's ink
Frozen but not forgotten, exceptional images of the 5,300 year-old Iceman brought to light in a new project and book