Aivars Glaznieks

Aivars Glaznieks
Senior Researcher
Institute for Applied Linguistics
My research interests lie in the investigation of non-standard varieties of German. In particular, I am focusing on learner varietes as well as on digital everyday language used in computer-mediated communication (CMC), e.g. on sociolinguistic aspects of the use of registers in CMC. I have been responsible for the creation of the multilingual CMC corpus DiDi, a corpus linguistic collection of facebook texts of writers from the multilingual province of South Tyrol. Currently, I am working on the description of written German dialect varieties in CMC.
I have also worked on the creation of several learner corpora in recent years, such as LEONIDE and KoKo, and combine writing research and corpus linguistics in my research activities.
I am also the managing editor for the new Eurac Research Learner Corpus Platform PORTA.
Research interests:
- writing research
- language acquisition
- computer-mediated communication
- corpus linguistics
- sociolinguistics