Alexandra Troi

Alexandra Troi
Vice Head of Institute
Institute for Renewable Energy
My main research interest is energy retrofit of historic buildings – developed from a background in electric engineering with a focus on energy in buildings, my PhD on "Church heating - a balancing act between comfort, cost and conservation" and in numerous research projects.
I am today leading the research group on Energy retrofit of historic buildings within the Institute for Renewable Energy (the latter I funded with Wolfram Sparber and am vice-head of). Recently, we have been the operating agent of IEA SHC Task59 on Historic buildings towards NZEB and built up a lab on hygrothermal building characterisation, which I think is a crucial topic for the upcoming energy transition.
At the same time since 2018 I hold a professorship on simulation building physics at Coburg University/Germany and am teaching in the master course on Digital technologies in conservation as well as giving courses to architecture and conservation students.