Eurach Research

Fabio Carnelli

Fabio Carnelli

Fabio Carnelli

Center for Climate Change and Transformation

T +39 0471 055 830


Fabio Carnelli is currently a senior researcher at the Centre for Climate Change and Transformation at Eurac Research. He's managing the Alpine Space Project ADAPTNOW to co-design and implement Climate Change Adaptation tools in the Pusteria Valley. As part of the EUSALP AG8 co-leading team on risk governance, he's also working on the AS SUPPORT EUSALP project to improve the governance of the EU strategy for the ALPS. In the Erasmus+ project Empowerment4Pandemias, he's co-responsible for developing an e-learning hybrid course to enhance the individual pandemic resilience of professionals working in the healthcare sector. He's managing different tasks in the H2020 projects NEXOGENESIS (to improve water management in the Adige river catchment) and IMPETUS, and in the art-science collaboration EXCHANGE, working on a reinterpretation of Ötzi environmental knowledge.

With a background in cultural anthropology and sociology of risk and disasters, he is mainly involved in Risk and Disaster Studies, with the aim of developing a socio-cultural approach to disasters and risk governance with a Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) perspective, also through consultancy, applied research and dissemination activities.

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