
Francesco Babich

Francesco Babich

Francesco Babich

Senior Researcher
Institute for Renewable Energy

T +39 0471 055 678


Francesco works as Senior Researcher at Eurac Research managing projects and research activities focused on indoor environmental quality (IEQ). His technical field of expertise includes numerical modelling, such as CFD, and experimental research. His work is linked to both research and commercial projects.

He is scientific coordinator and project manager of the H2020 “MEZeroE” and ERDF “New-Air” projects. He is chair of IBPSA Publications Committee, and member of IBPSA Education and Communication Committees. He is a corresponding member of three ASHRAE Technical Committees (TC), namely TC2.1 "Physiology and Human Environment", TC2.3 “Gaseous Air Contaminants and Gas Contaminant Removal Equipment”, and TC4.10 “Indoor Environmental Modeling”.


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