EU ITA-AUT FACEcamp - Competence center to support the development of advanced facade systems

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FACEcamp project aims at strengthening a long-term transnational cooperation among companies and R&I entities in the field of advanced façade systems for healthy, comfortable and energy efficient buildings. FACEcamp goal is to support stakeholders to cope effectively with the facade performances. Thus, the specific objectives are: (1) to establish a transnational competence center on advanced façade system, enhancing and sharing knowledge among research organization and enterprises, and (2) to improve existing metrics, modelling and measuring procedures to show the benefits of the advanced façade systems to a wide range of stakeholders. The definition and the establishment of the centre will be performed with a bottom-up approach thanks to the involvement of both IT and AT actors, already representing an excellence within the territory and beyond. Workshops, trainings and conferences will disseminate results at local and international level, exploiting the centre as knowledge platform for private and public actors. Expected results, are (1) the establishment of a cross-border and internationally recognised competence centre (2) the reduction of the knowledge gap among stakeholders, and (3) the increase of the competitiveness of local actors offering excellence in the sector. The local expertise in the field will be strengthened and highlighted, thus creating the basis for an increased attractiveness of the territory in terms of new businesses and related workplaces. 

FACEcamp project addresses to strengthen a long-term transnational cooperation among companies and R&I entities in the field of advanced façade systems (AFS) for healthy, comfortable and energy efficient buildings. FACEcamp general goal is to support stakeholders to cope effectively with the AFSs performances.Thus, the specific objectives are: (1) to establish a transnational competence center (CoCe) for AFSs, enhancing knowledge and sharing it among research centres, companies, practitioners and (2) to improve existing metrics, modelling and measuring procedures to show the benefits of the AFSs to a wide range of stakeholders.The definition and the establishment of the CoCe will be performed with a bottom-up approach thanks to the involvement of both IT and AT actors, already representing an excellence within the territory and beyond. Workshops, trainings and conferences will disseminate results at the local and international level, exploiting the CoCe as knowledge platform for private and public actors.Expected results, are (1) the establishment of a both cross-border and internationally recognised CoCe, (2) the reduction of the knowledge gap among stakeholders, and (3) the increase of the competitiveness of local companies and professionals offering excellence in the sector. The local expertise in the field will be strengthened and highlighted, thus creating the basis for an increased attractiveness of the territory in terms of new businesses and related workplaces.The central collector of all technical and non-technical activities is the Competence Center (CoCe), which is structured in the WP3. The main tasks within this WP are the evaluation of the involvement of local companies, the identification of the CoCe most suitable structure and business model and the identification of performance indicators, which will be, used also as synthetic indexes in compliances with existing certification schemes. The technical basis of the CoCe are developed in the WP4 Modelling and WP5 Measuring. They will both deepen the issues in the field of the modelling and measuring the performance of such advanced facade. In particular, WP4 will address the simulation tools for coupling thermal and daylighting calculations, from the point of view of model reliability and usability. The standardisation of the modelling boundary condition will also be analysed besides the topic of the influence of daylight in human behaviour. The WP5 will deepen the topics of the components and systems characterisation through the measuring of performances. Procedures will be developed from the visual to the thermal, energy and comfort point of view, including the measurement of the melanopic comfort. WP6 aims at dealing with façade innovation management and impact on the market from a quality perspective. Hence, a real existing facade system, integrating F&R and existing technologies, will be designed and assembled in WP6 and used for the advanced characterization and a crosscheck of the lab infrastructures in WP7. WP2 will disseminate the project findings, starting from the Consortium up to the local and national/international scales. Technical workshop and a one-year international technical school on facade will be organised. Finally, WP1 will take care of the management of the project and of the Consortium from technical, legal and social points of view.

Metodi di calcolo e misura della prestazione dei Sistemi Vetrati Complessi
Avesani S, De Michele G, Demanega I (2020)
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