Eurach Research

Research Groups

Sustainable heating and cooling systems

The research group on sustainable heating and cooling systems focus on the integration of heat pump systems in a variety of applications, both in the ...

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Photovoltaic Energy Systems

The focus of the research group is set on performance and reliability of photovoltaic systems, solar resources, exploitation and mitigation of variability, PV ...

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Energy Efficient Buildings

This research group focuses on energy flexible buildings and building clusters, faҫade system concepts, architectural solutions for natural ventilation and ...

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Energy retrofit of historic buildings

This research group focuses on energy performance of historic buildings and districts, offers solutions of energy retrofit compatible with conservation, ...

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Urban and regional energy systems

The goals of the group are the sustainable energy planning and policies, spatial decision support systems, models for sustainable energy development, big data ...

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Overall energy system modelling and e-mobility

The research group deals with modeling of overall energy systems integrating different energy sources, efficiency measures and storage. Research focuses also on ...

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Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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What we do

Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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