Institute for Renewable Energy - Laboratories & facilities
Laboratories & facilities
The laboratories of the Institute for Renewable Energy are a contact point between scientific research and private companies.
In the fields of technology, efficient building systems and solar energy, researchers support companies and industrial partners that are testing and implementing innovative energy technologies. We perform services including laboratory testing, pilot-plant monitoring, as well as simulating and optimizing energy systems. In every project, our researchers use simulations, experimental tests and creation of prototypes to turn an innovative concept into a concrete project.
With dedicated laboratories, the institute offers test services studying heat pumps, both thermally and electrically driven, and solar photovoltaic modules, and measuring the thermal properties of passive and active solar building components. Extensive dynamic simulations are performed to enhance the product development process and virtually integrate the component in an overall system.
The renewable energy laboratory of Eurac Research is accredited by the Italian accreditation body Accredia and performs testing activities in accordance with the requirements of UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. Click here to view the accreditation certificate and the list of accredited tests.