Eurach Research


EU ITA-CH QAES - Air quality in school buildings


    The project aims to improve the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in schools. We will develop technological solutions with low architectural impact and a methodological approach to classify, design, implement, measure and manage IAQ conditions. The general objective is to solve the problem of poor air quality in school buildings;students spend most of their time at school, thus IAQ in schools affects their health and their ability to learn. The partners will develop solutions and methodologies in cooperation with companies in the cross-border area: mechanical ventilation systems, window manufacturers, management system operators (ICT), companies producing and distributing indoor materials, design studios focused on the IAQ. The project includes campaigns of measures (before and after demonstration remediation), as well as the development of guidelines for the design and management of IAQ in schools, to support designers, construction companies, managers of works and users. The expected impacts are a significant increase in business opportunities in the cross-border area and a development of know-how on the improvement of IAQ in buildings, especially in schools. Thanks to cross-border collaboration, it will be possible to analyze and compare different realities, to acquire knowledge aimed at the regulatory and economic development of this sector.

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