Eurach Research

EQ-OX Environmental Quality bOX

The”Environmental Quality bOX" EQ-OX is a device to assess measure the main parameters that affect the quality of the indoor environment (IEQ)

    Indoor comfort and environmental quality (IEQ)

    The device is capable to measure 14 main parameters affecting indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort, and visual comfort. The data collected is saved in a secure Eurac Research database, and can be accessed via tailor-made case-specific web interfaces and scripts. It is possible to simultaneously use more than one EQ-OX in the same environment, and to visualize real-time data. EQ-OX is useful to evaluate building and building systems performance and their impact over the users’ IEQ perception. All these features make EQ-OX an advanced and effective tool for IEQ evaluation and building commissioning.


    The EQ-OX monitoring system has been internally developed by Eurac Research personnel and used in several field measurements in different type of buildings in EU-funded projects - such as ERDF NewAir, Atlas, ERDF Klimakit, Interreg ITA-CH QAES, and H2020 4RinEU - as well as for industry-commissioned projects.


    • reliable low-cost continuous measurement
    • light and portable device
    • easy-to-use
    • appealing design
    • measure at the same time the key parameters that affect IEQ


    EQ-OX is a stand-alone product developed thanks to our long-standing experience in several research projects. It can be assembled and costumized on demand according to the specific project needs. We provide a complete monitoring service to both public organizations and companies, and for scientific collaborations, covering all phases starting from the definition of the monitoring outline (parameters and number devices needed), to the EQ-OX installation, the data management, analysis and elaboration, and final results’ presentation to the customer.

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