Eurach Research

E-mobility tools

Monitoring of zero-emission vehicles and infrastructures

    Eurac Research offers design and implementation of the monitoring system architecture, user platform for data acquisition and data analysis for:

    • electric and hydrogen-fuelled passenger vehicles and buses (projects LIFEALPS and Stardust)
    • electric light-duty vehicles (within the research project Stardust),
    • electric vehicle ultra-fast, rapid and quick charging infrastructure (in the framework of the projects Mobster, LIFEALPS and Stardust)
    • hydrogen fuel stations (in the framework of LIFEALPS project)

    Devices used for car monitoring

    In order to build a car monitoring system and to analyze the data we use devices like the plug & play 2xCAN/LIN logger by CSS Electronics. More information about the telematic dashboard and how it works.

    The plug & play 2xCAN/LIN logger by CSS Electronics

    Devices used for van monitoring

    In order to build a van monitoring system and to analyze the data we use devices like the 8120 REMOTE vehicle data interface and modem by Squarell and the Wialon Platform tool

    8120 REMOTE vehicle data interface and modem by Squarell

    Device access port

    Example of an On-board diagnostics (OBD2) port installed in a E-jumpy Citroen within the project Stardust OBD2 on E-jumpy Citroen project Stardust

    Platform & data analysis

    We design and build platforms to collect data from heterogenous sources, blend it through Extraction, Transformation and Load process (ETL). Our experts analyse then the data in order to discover useful information, to get insights, and to support the decision-making process. Below some examples of data platforms we designed in different research projects:

    Architecture of the data platform project LIFEalpsCredit: Eurac Research
    Architecture of the data platform project LIFEalps
    Data platform project LIFEalpsCredit: Eurac Research
    Map of the monthly trend of electric charging stations recharges, project MobsterCredit: Eurac Research
    Overview of electric charging stations recharges, project MobsterCredit: Eurac Research
    Map of total recharging for Neogy's electric charging stations installed in Trentino-South TyrolCredit: Eurac Research
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    2022E-mobility tools

    Monitoring of zero-emission vehicles and infrastructures

    2022Monitoring services and systems

    Our experience and know-how in the design and implementation of energy performances monitoring and control systems

    2020EQ-OX Environmental Quality bOX

    The”Environmental Quality bOX" EQ-OX is a device to assess measure the main parameters that affect the quality of the ...

    2011Solar energy production & monitoring data from the PV-ABD plant

    The production and meteo data from the ABD plant is inserted and regularly updated in an INFLUX database developed by ...

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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    What we do

    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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