Zero Emission LIFE IP

EU Zero Emission LIFE IP - Zero Emissions Services for a Decarbonised Alpine Economy

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Zero Emission LIFE IP

This project is the first project in South Tyrol, which deals with electric mobility at 360 °.

It is based on the 2011 South Tyrol Climate Plan 2050 whose objective is the reduction of CO2 emissions in various sectors and the declared aim of the LIFEalps project is the transformation of South Tyrol into an Alpine model region for zero-emission mobility in the Alps. .

The various actions envisaged favor climate protection and combat climate change and look at three categories: the expansion of the infrastructural network, the creation of pilot fleets with electric vehicles of all kinds, the development of zero-emission services.

Evaluation of Different Scenarios to Switch the Whole Regional Bus Fleet of an Italian Alpine Region to Zero-Emission Buses
Sparber W, Grotto A, Zambelli P, Vaccaro R, Zubaryeva A (2023)
Journal article
World Electric Vehicle Journal

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Decarbonizzazione del trasporto pubblico, una ricerca per STA in Alto Adige
Ciolli V, Sparber W, Grotto A (2023)

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La decarbonizzazione del trasporto pubblico: lo studio di fattibilità realizzato da Eurac Research
Ciolli V, Sparber W, Grotto A (2023)

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Monitored data and social perceptions analysis of battery electric and hydrogen fuelled buses in urban and suburban areas
Estrada Poggio A, Balest J, Zubaryeva A, Sparber W (2023)
Elsevier BV
Journal article
Journal of Energy Storage

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Trasporto pubblico a zero emissioni in Alto Adige: tecnologie a confronto
Ciolli V, Sparber W, Grotto A (2023)

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Energy and greenhouse gases life cycle assessment of electric and hydrogen buses: A real-world case study in Bolzano Italy
Grazieschi G, Zubaryeva A, Sparber W (2023)
Elsevier BV
Journal article
Energy Reports

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