Eurach Research
12 June 23

Life cycle analysis of public transportation buses

New scientific article compares the energy and global warming performances of the different powertrain technologies in the city fleet of Bolzano

    Our researchers recently published a new scientific paper for Journal Energy Reports with the title "Energy and greenhouse gases life cycle assessment of electric and hydrogen buses: A real-world case study in Bolzano Italy".

    Real world monitored data were used in the analysis for the energy consumptions of the buses and to produce hydrogen in Bolzano. Compared to the traditional diesel buses, the electric vehicles showed a 43% reduction of the non-renewable primary energy demand and a 33% of the global warming potential even in the worst consequential scenario considered.

    "This article presents a life cycle assessment of the zero emissions busses deployed in Bolzano as part of the Life Alps project. A real-world analysis is carried out based on the monitored operational energy consumption of buses as well as data about the local upstream hydrogen or electricity production chains." says Gianluca Grazieschi, first author of the paper.

    Attributional and consequential models are employed to provide a comprehensive overview of all the possible scenarios affecting the environmental impacts of electromobility in South Tyrol.

    Link to the full version of the article

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