Eurach Research

Lukas Egarter Vigl

Lukas Egarter Vigl

Lukas Egarter Vigl

Senior Researcher
Institute for Alpine Environment

T +39 0471 055 303


I am a landscape ecologist broadly interested in understanding how anthropogenic changes such as climate and land-use change affect (mountain) agroecosystems, and how this in turn affects human well-being. In my research I mainly use quantitative methods, including geo-statistical and spatial modeling, to gain new insights in the complex interactions between nature and society, and to find land management strategies that help to inform stakeholders and policy makers alike. My work is highly interdisciplinary, and I regularly collaborate with specialists in other fields, ranging from agronomists to human geographers and software developers.

Reserach interests:

  • landscape dynamics and climate change in agroecosystems (i.e., vineyards, fruit orchards)
  • interactions between spatial landscape patterns and ecological processes
  • science-policy-practice interface (i.e, Nature-base solutions, adaptation, resilience)

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