Massimiliano Pittore

Massimiliano Pittore
Research Group Leader
Center for Climate Change and Transformation
Physicist, PhD in Information Science and Systems Engineering with extensive experience in natural hazard and risk assessment, impact forecasting, data mining and processing.
Senior researcher and group leader of “Climate and Disaster Risk” group. He has come to Eurac Research in 2020 years ago after having previously worked at the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ-Potsdam, Germany, where he led the unit “Early Warning and Impact Forecasting” in the Section Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics. He has led the several international, cross-disciplinary research groups focusing on quantitative risk assessment, modelling of exposure and vulnerability, and use of remote sensing and artificial intelligence.
Main research interests include: probabilistic risk assessment, geospatial and geostatistic modelling, dynamic exposure modelling, impact forecasting and early warning, conceptual models and knowledge engineering.